I wish to thank the Father for expelling the fears from my heart and for bestowing His peace
and joy in me through the Gospel.
Before I came in contact with the Man, the Message and the Mandate I was suffering from
identity crisis, principally fear: fear of not being able to get up the next day, fear of not being
able to make it in life and take good care of my mother, fear of losing my siblings and so on. I
was lost. Life wasn’t going on well for me but I decided to seek the face of God for direction. In
my search for God, I moved from one prophet to another but none of them said the same
thing. All I got from the prophets instilled more fear and pain contrary to the peace I was
expecting. I was at a point where I knew I could die any time. My parents got separated when I
was in class six and it had a negative impact on me. Considering I am the eldest child, I was
scared of what will become of my siblings if I were to die. My soul was tormented.
I was invited to Christ Commission International (CCI) by one of my pastors. When I got there,
the service was already on going. The Man of God made a mind-blowing statement. He said,
“there is no difference between he and us because all the gifts of God reside in each and
everyone of us but the issue is we don’t know how to use them, reason he is here to teach
us.” I was amazed. He then asked us to lay our hands on the parts of our body where we were
experiencing pain and receive healing. It was a new dawn for me. Throughout the years I had
been changing churches, searching for miracles, signs and wonders, but no Man of God had
humbled themselves like Dr. Shawn, sharing the gospel with so much love. The peace I
experienced that day was unspeakable. I was so happy and I couldn’t wait for the service to be
over so I could call my mom and share with her.
The following Sunday the Man of God ministered on our life in Christ Jesus: Christ died for our
sins, we are no more sinners. It blew my mind and I said if I am without sin it means I am free to
live my life the way I always wanted. From that day, I changed my dressing, started wearing
colored wigs, coming to church very sexy and going to the night club. I was very happy to be

During another service, the Man of God said, “you go out there and live your life the way you
want and when things are bad, you start crying and saying, God why have you abandoned
me?” He continued by saying, “you can’t go out there and hurt someone, then come to church
and pray for mercy thinking you are free from it. Yes, God will have Mercy upon you but you
will still pay back. So be careful how you live your life; there is a law of nature.” This teaching
gave me a right mind. At this point, I started experiencing real transformation.
Indeed it has been a long journey of unlearning and learning. Our parents in Christ usually say,
“We hear and see things the way we are, not actually how it is taught. So when we come for
service without preparation, we will go back empty.” Those words have reshaped my mind
because I thought I was getting the message right but when the Woman of God would revisit it,
I would realize I wasn’t getting anything at all. My journey hasn’t been an easy one because of
what I was taught before. However, I am no longer where I was or who I was. A lot has
happened and the process continues.
I thank the Father for His Sent Ones, for their patient endurance in this Gospel through which
were are being formed into the image of Christ.

Findo B,


Image by Salvador Camacho from Pixabay

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