I had always felt like I had to do something else, or I needed to be somewhere else, but a couple
of months ago, God put it in my spirit to pursue this career path. I just obeyed and a couple of
months later, I got a job that is definitely beyond my qualifications. It is a leadership position
which needs lots of experience, but by the grace of God He is granting me wisdom to affect the
role. Things that are supposed to be foreign to me are really not. I’m learning easily, rapidly and
already acting in my role with little or no training. I can only say this is Supernatural.
I was scared when I started, but one thing that the Father keeps reminding me of is that I have the
wisdom of God. This comes with peace and rest like no other because I do not depend on my
abilities but I rely on the Holy Spirit, I rely on the Wisdom of God and His strength, knowing
that He is the one who has qualified me.
Throughout this process, I keep meditating on the Man of God’s prophecy during our special
Thanksgiving Service, a while back, which said, “Grace has gone before me.” That has kept me
Also, I keep speaking to myself, the words of the Man of God, “wherever I go, as a member of
this commission, I’ll lead in any sphere of influence. In any jurisdiction, I will be at the forefront.
It’s not because I am qualified in the eyes of the world, but my Father qualified me. They will
bypass experts and they will choose me. Promotion comes from the Lord, that’s why my plans
are not on a man. I don’t trust in a man, I do not trust in my connections, I do not trust in my
qualifications, because they have a limit to what they can do, they have their season beyond
which they cannot perform. Some may trust in horses and chariots, but we will trust in the Lord,
for Yahweh Saboath knows how to position me and the time is now.”
I am so thankful to God, and I am so grateful for the guidance of the Apostolate, as my parents in
the Lord. I know that God is taking us as the Church, from glory to glory.



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