During our mid-year celebrations with the theme “Petitioning Heaven”, the Sent One
focused more on prayer.
In one of the sessions, the Man of God said,our authority in Christ Jesus is vested in
our word. And that, we should never allow either the doctors report or any other
report concerning us to remain the final word.These potent words have remained
alive in my heart till now.
Some weeks later, I noticed I had a blurred vision. I immediately visited the eye
doctors; they did some tests and prescribed a pair of glasses that had to help. A few
minutes after I got the glasses,I remembered the words of the Man of God during our
mid_year celebrations. I went and sat down in a quiet place to exercise my authority
in Christ Jesus upon my life and I declared, “Father I need to use these eyes to read
without aid and preach your gospel. Right now, I receive a new pair of eyes.”
A few days later, my vision was adjusted supernaturally and I have not had those
complications anymore.
I want to thank God for the effect of those potent words through His Sent One upon
my life and vision.

Pastor Samuel

Tags: , , Last modified: February 27, 2023