I wish to testify of God’s healing and restoration in my life.
I was assaulted by thugs sent to kill me over family property. I was beaten to the brink of death,
suffering fractures in my leg and left arm, along with numerous other injuries. I experienced trauma and
intense pain, making it impossible to sleep at night. A friend invited me to the Mid Year Celebration,
where the Man of God ministered on love and forgiveness and prayed for healing. Upon returning
home that night, I realized all the pain and resentment had dissipated. I found the strength to forgive
those who hurt me, and was finally able to sleep.
On Sunday at La Falaise Diamond, the Man of God prayed again, declaring, “God is healing people.” I
believed. Two weeks later, the fractures were fully healed, I had completely recovered, and could walk
normally. What amazed me most was, the scars on my body disappeared, and it was as though
nothing had ever happened.
I am thankful to God Almighty for His Sent Ones and extend my heartfelt gratitude to their Excellencies
for proclaiming words of Life that guide us.
Bless, Douala, Cameroon