The Fellowship

Family Reconciliation

I wish to thank God for using His Sent Ones to bring reconciliation in my family.During the recent marriage seminar which happens to be my first marriage seminar, the Man ofGod taught on four aspects that lessen intimacy in relationships, one of them being shallowcommunication. The Man of God said, “avoid shallow communication.”My younger sister …

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The Fellowship

Blessing By Association

This has been my daily experience since I came in contact with this Gospel.

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The Fellowship

Thanksgiving for the Man, the Message and the Mandate

We are so grateful to the Lord for
divine connection and integration in the Apostolic Lineage under your leadership.

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The Fellowship, Total Life Transformation

Discerning the Shape and Form of God is Our Greatest Joy!

Thank you, Your Excellencies, for all the deposits. We are being prepared, just
like you have taught us, “preparation time is not wasted time”.

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Doctrine for Life, The Fellowship

J’ai Expérimenté la Parole de vie à Gospel of Christ Ministries

La chose la plus merveilleuse qui s’est produite dans la vie est d’avoir rencontré lemessage de la Grâce prêché par les Apôtres Drs. Shawn et Annie SMITHPlusieurs choses se sont produites dans ma vie lorsque je me suis soumise auxenseignements de la Grâce ; J’ai pu poursuivre mes études à l’université à unmoment donné pourtant je n’avais …

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