Healed From Sinusitis
I gave heed and became okay. Before then, the Man and Woman of God had prayed for me declaring,
“You cannot serve and be put to shame.” I held on to these words.
Thanksgiving of Healing of a Loved One
I am thankful to God for the Man of God who teaches me so I can understand the Gospel.
Healed from a Stiff Neck
I am grateful to know that the Father knows us specifically and
administers his life to us, even when we seem not to pay attention.
Guérison de mal de nerfs et de l’insensibilité Nerveuses
Je rends grâce à Dieu pour la série d’enseignements de l’Homme de Dieu, Dr Shawn Smith sur la foi
et l’entièreté dans laquelle il explique que l’éveil est la manifestation.
Physically Raised from Death to Life
Man of God, your message brings dead people back to life. Dead
bodies like mine, are receiving life. I am looking forward to your coming.
Healed from a Mass in the Breast
When I got home, I told the mass, “Did you hear what my Father said? He has given
you 72hrs. So, I agree with my Father.”
Guérison divine et délivrance des dettes
J’ai invité ma petite sœur pendant le programme de «10 jours des Merveilles et de Prodiges ».
Elle a pu venir le jour de la clôture où l’Homme de Dieu avait oint d’huile toute la