I am thankful to God for bringing me in contact with the Man, the Message and the Mandate,
Apostle Dr. Shawn Smith, which I consider a blessing. The Man of God always says, “there are
three ways in which God blesses a man; either by

  1. Giving the man an idea,
  2. Sending the right people his way
  3. Changing his location.
    I bless God for the wisdom to relocate to Douala from Buea, a month before the start of the
    North and South West crises. Before leaving Buea, I had a meeting with some brethren in my
    previous church. While preparing for the meeting, I came across Colossians 3:3, “When Christ
    Who is our life shall appear, then shall ye also appear with Him in glory.” I had never heard
    any minister whom I had the opportunity to listen to preach on this verse the way the Man of
    God did. A year later, I found myself here. I identified myself fully with the message by taking
    water baptism. Since then, my life has never been the same; I see His glory in me. Before any
    service or seminar, I prepare myself in prayer, meditation and would sometimes write down
    what the Lord lays in my heart. When I come for the service, the Lord will use either the Man or
    the Woman of God to confirm what He told me. Then, I knew I am in the right place and count
    it a blessing. I don’t know what would have become of me had I remained in the South West
    region. Knowing you’re in the right place makes you feel blessed even when there’s nothing
    tangible to show forth. This knowledge instills hope and stillness vis-à-vis any lack or
    challenges. This has been my daily experience since I came in contact with this Gospel.
    Thank you so much Man and Woman of God for building a company of sons that the world will
    be small to contain. You are impacting us with wisdom and stillness. Abba Father.
    Thank you!

Atem, Douala-Cameroon

Image by Oscar Portan from Pixabay

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