I would like to thank the Lord for His preservation.My elderly cousin was wedding in Buea, and I initially planned not to attend due to an upcomingprogram. However, I felt a prompting in my spirit to travel and distribute flyers for the Festival ofBlessings (FOB).I began sharing the flyers in my neighborhood before heading to …
I wish to thank God for the Festival of Blessings Douala, 2024. It has re-awakened my awareness, igniteda fire for God, and made me intentional in my service within the ministry of praise and worship.Thank you, Drs. Shawn and Annie Smith for organizing this gathering for our edification.Kumasi Courage
I wish to testify of God’s healing and restoration in my life.I was assaulted by thugs sent to kill me over family property. I was beaten to the brink of death,suffering fractures in my leg and left arm, along with numerous other injuries. I experienced trauma andintense pain, making it impossible to sleep at night. …