Healing and Wholeness

Healed from a Heart Condition

I wish to thank the Man and Woman of God for opening my eyes through the glorious gospelto become aware of who I am in Christ. I have come to understand that Christ is my perfectresponse to every situation. I may not even have the capacity to believe but Father has mademe to understand that …

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Un Ordre de Faveur Institutionnelle Etrange

Pendant le séminaire de Pâques 2022, notre père l’Apôtre Dr Shawn Smith nous avait donné
l’instruction d’écrire sur un bout de papier les choses pour lesquelles nous faisions confiance à Dieu et
que nous souhaitions voir se réaliser avant la Pâques 2023.

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Divine Preservation, Healing and Wholeness

Complete Healing from Gastritis

During the “Blessed with all
Blessings” service with the Woman of God, the Sunday before she travelled to South Africa, she
mentioned during her ministration that God is healing gastritis.

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Church Life, Total Life Transformation

The Joy of the Gospel

The man of God used to say, the term Gospel
means, “God’s spell” and the Gospel casts a spell of joy on its hearers. This has been my
experience as I continue to give myself to the hearing of the Gospel.

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Church Life, Promotion

Thanksgiving for a Job

It is a leadership position
which needs lots of experience, but by the grace of God He is granting me wisdom to affect the
role. Things that are supposed to be foreign to me are really not.

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Healing and Wholeness

Guérison Divine

Je veux rendre grâce à Dieu pour la restauration de mon être tout entier.
Il fut un temps où je souffrais de troubles mentaux et de surpoids.

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Church Life, Total Life Transformation

Restaurée par l’Amour de Dieu

Aujourd’hui, j’expérimente la Vie du Seigneur Jésus-Christ. Je rends grâce à Dieu car la plénitude de la
Déité, le Seigneur de tous, en qui, pour qui, et par qui tout existe, vit en moi et je vis en Lui.

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Healing and Wholeness, Total Life Transformation

Delivered from Fear and Healed from Stroke

Thank you, Father, for all that did not happen because you prevented it from happening.

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Total Life Transformation

Healed from an Eye Condition and Freedom from Religion

Prior to coming into contact with Gospel of Christ Ministries, our walk in Christ was unworthy of ason of God. Religion had taught us to live as God’s servants. This was the greatest title we thoughtcould ever be bestowed on a man. The issue of the Son of God was attributed solely to Jesus Christ.We …

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Total Life Transformation

Renouvellement de la Pensée et Guérison Divine d’Arthrose

Dans son Enseignement intitulé “Notre Éveil Spirituel”, l’Homme de Dieu a dit que lorsque noussommes éveillés, nous ne pouvons pas voir la peur. Au cours de cette série, j’ai repensé à mavie tout au long de ces 4 dernières années, au cours desquelles j’ai souvent vécu des momentstrès difficiles. En effet, ces épreuves auraient pu …

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